Becoming MCC
A 3-day intensive at the Beach in lovely, historic Ocean Grove NJ!

Presence, Depth & Partnership an interactive community event
Get 1/3 of your Level 3 credits.

Thursday - Saturday, May 16 - 18, 2024

Please join me and my amazing colleagues, Robin Goodbary MCC, Leah Kedar MCC and Melanie Parish MCC all teachers in our Becoming MCC Level 3 ICF Accredited Training as we spend 3 days helping you “polish your diamond” of your own coaching so that you are more prepared to become a truly MCC-level coach.

Through our stories, live coaching demos, and many exercises where you will coach each other, you will get in depth feedback and support to gain the “aha moments” that separate the experienced PCC coach from an MCC. We won’t tell you – it will be a discovery for each of you. Everyone is unique and there is no one “formula” – MCC is about creating a space and a “way of being” that allows the client to be more insightful, allow you to challenge and deepen your listening and coaching habits.

This event is also about community – about sharing your wisdom, getting coached and being open to discovering how to deepen your presence and be in a full partnership with your client.

If you attend this event and would like to go on to join our Becoming MCC global program, your fees for this program will count toward the full 75-credit Level 3 Program.

Register Below $1499

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Unable to make the dates for our 3-Day Intensive?

Want to join us for our full ICF Level 3 MCC Certification?

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Register Here!

Becoming MCC 3-Day Intensive Pay in Full

Price includes program fees. Travel, hotel, and meals are not included.

Becoming MCC 3-Day Intensive - Pay in 2 Installments
Price includes program fees. Travel, hotel, and meals are not included. Balance to be billed and paid afterward 2 weeks before the event.

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Overview Program Itinerary

During the three-day event, you'll encounter a condensed version of the full program.

Immerse yourself in a small group setting of 12-15 individuals, each guided by a teacher.9:30-5:30 each day with a generous break for lunch.

Work will be done both inside and outside the classroom – on the beach weather permitting.

Contact us for hotel options.

Our Team


Libby Robinson

MCC, Director of Coach Training, CXO Whisperer

Libby is the Managing Partner of Integral, a global award-winning leadership development consultancy. Over the last 26 years, she has worked with CXOs and senior leaders on three continents. Libby holds a Master’s in Organizational Transformation from the California Institute of Integral Studies. She is a TED Fellows coach. Libby is the founder of the Advanced Coaching Practicum. Libby holds a certificate in Corporate Innovation from Stanford University. She is also the founder of BackFeed+, an app for better, faster, feedback, based on neuroscience.

Libby is joined by about a dozen PCC and MCC teachers and mentor coaches as well as a variety of international coaches and assessors.

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Melanie Parish

MCC, Coaching Practice Lead, Canada, Author of “The Experimental Leader”

Melanie Parish is an author, public speaker, a Theory of Constraints Jonah, and a Master Certified Coach from the International Coach Federation. An expert in problem-solving, constraints management, operations, strategic hiring, and brand development, Melanie has consulted and coached organizations ranging from a Fortune 50 company to IT start-ups.

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Leah Kedar

MCC, Executive Coach and Facilitator

Recipient of the 2009 and 2010 ICF Prism Award for Coaching Excellence with the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, and the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, Leah Kedar has over 20 years experience as an executive leadership coach, consultant, and facilitator.In a transient and ever-changing work environment, Ms. Kedar specializes in supporting leaders, their teams and organizations, as they are called upon to manage issues associated with change and transformation.


Robin Goodbary

MCC, Executive Coach

Robin Goodbary, MBA, is a Master Certified Coach focused on Business and Leadership and a Certified Retirement Coach.  Her steadfast and transformational coaching approach supports leaders and business owners to discover and unleash their untapped potential and expand their impact. She pulls from over 30 years of experience as a marketer, new product developer, project leader and trainer and has led projects, people and teams to excel.  By employing an Outward and Growth Mindset and Positive Intelligence, she helps her clients to expand their way of thinking and discover creative solutions to complex situations.

When she is not supporting clients, she and her husband spend time vegetable gardening, fishing, volunteering and cooking.  She holds a patent with the US Patent and Trade Office.