Looking to gain your ICF MCC Level 3 Credential?

Begin your journey to become a Master Certified Coach today. Within a small group of other highly-experienced certified coaches, our Master Certified Coaches will provide an in-depth program to fully prepare you for your MCC application, including interactive webinars, practice coaching (with debriefing), Public Coaching, Mentor Coaching and Group Intervision Sessions and detailed recording analysis of your coaching. You can stay in our program until you pass. 100% Pass rate. Our MCC Program has been accredited for Level 3 by the International Coach Federation (ICF) for 78 Contact Hours. You must be an ICF Professional Certified Coach to join. (Not yet certified or want to be? Click Here.)

Join a Free Online Zoom Introductory Session

Becoming MCC

A 3-day intensive at the Beach!

Presence, Depth, Partnership – an interactive community event. Get 1/3 of your Level 3 credits.

Thursday - Saturday, May 16 - 18, 2024

Program Advantages

  • 100% Live Online Courses with MCC teachers and assessors

  • 100% of all 2021-2022 students who submitted have received their MCC

  • With a flexible, 0% interest payment plan available where you set the amount (up to 24 months), start your journey for as little as $299 per month

  • Rolling entry - start anytime

  • Stay in the program until you pass your MCC

Program Outline - 78+ Hours

  • 20 hours of Master Level Coaching Webinars

  • 12 hours of supervision and Mentor Coaching

  • 4 hours of Individual Coaching by an MCC

  • 17.5 hours of Observed Mentor Coaching

  • 6 hours of Required Readings

  • 6 hours of Public Coaching

  • 10 hours of Student Practice Coaching

  • 2.5 Hours of Core Competency Assessment

  • 3 Rounds of Reciprocal Peer Coaching

What Our Students Say:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “it provided all the necessary evidence required to submit for the ICF MCC credential. I also really valued the feedback I received from both Libby and my matched mentor coach as I was able to easily integrate my learnings into my work with my clients so that my final MCC recording submissions hit the mark the first time.”

- Kirsty Ensor, Master Certified Coach

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Thanks to the Becoming MCC program by the ACP, my mentors, and Libby Robinson, I was able to achieve my Level 3 Certification”

- Nathalie Delmas, Master Certified Coach

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “The Becoming MCC programme has really challenged me to think differently about how I coach and what that means about me as a person.   It has allowed me to learn from a wide range of existing MCC coaches, MCC assessors and my peers on the programme  as we take this big step forward in our coaching journey”

- Calum Buyers, MCC Candidate


Libby Robinson

MCC, Director of Coach Training, CXO Whisperer

Libby is the Managing Partner of Integral, a global award-winning leadership development consultancy. Over the last 26 years, she has worked with CXOs and senior leaders on three continents. Libby holds a Master’s in Organizational Transformation from the California Institute of Integral Studies. She is a TED Fellows coach. Libby is the founder of the Advanced Coaching Practicum. Libby holds a certificate in Corporate Innovation from Stanford University. She is also the founder of BackFeed+, an app for better, faster, feedback, based on neuroscience.

Libby is joined by about a dozen PCC and MCC teachers and mentor coaches as well as a variety of international coaches and assessors.

Why Become a Master Certified Coach?

Becoming a Master Certified Coach (MCC) can bring numerous benefits to an individual's coaching practice. Here are some of the added values of this certification:

1.     High-level coaching skills: The MCC certification indicates that a coach has achieved the highest level of coaching skills recognized by the International Coach Federation (ICF). This certification requires a coach to have at least 2,500 coaching hours, including 200 hours of coaching clients at the PCC level, and to undergo a rigorous evaluation process. As a result, an MCC coach is equipped with advanced coaching techniques and strategies that can help them to better serve their clients.

2.     Credibility: The MCC certification is widely recognized as a symbol of excellence in coaching. It can increase a coach's credibility and reputation in the coaching industry, leading to increased client trust and respect.

3.     Higher earning potential: According to the ICF’s most recent Global Coaching Study, coaches who hold an MCC credential earn a higher average annual income compared to coaches who hold other ICF credentials. This is because the MCC certification is a mark of distinction that can help coaches stand out from their peers and attract high-paying clients.

4.     Professional development: Pursuing an MCC certification requires a coach to undergo ongoing professional development and self-reflection. This can help them to continuously improve their coaching skills and stay up-to-date with the latest coaching trends and best practices.

5.     Rare Credential – Currently there are about 1600 Master Certified Coaches in the world. Gaining your MCC credential shows you are part of a elite and masterful community of coaches.

 Overall, becoming a Master Certified Coach can bring significant benefits to a coach's career, including higher earnings, greater credibility, and improved coaching skills.

Level 3 MCC Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Yes, we have been an accredited coach training program within the ICF for almost a decade. We were one of the first 10 coaching schools to be awarded the Level 3 Accreditation which began in 2022 to obtain the MCC (Master Certified Coach).

  • You can begin your journey with Gaining MCC when you have 1500 hours of coaching or about 5 years of experience since beginning your first ICF accredited coach training. When you are ready to apply for MCC you must have log 2500 coaching hours all of which must have been logged after you began your first ICF accredited program.

  • You must obtain or have held your PCC credential before applying for your MCC. If you need your PCC credential, you can attend our Gaining PCC (Level 2) programs. If you feel that you have done coursework or have degrees that should count towards your Level 2 certification, please contact the ICF at www.coachignfederation.org to inquire if your coursework qualified for ICF accreditation.

  • Yes, all our webinars, mentor coaching and student practice coaching, as well as your one-to-one sessions are live online. You can watch webinars if you are unable to attend or you would like to review materials. You can also review classes taught by other teachers in previous years. We are considering offering in-person sessions in late 2023 and in 2024 if there is enough interest.

  • We have a rolling entry. How long the process takes is up to you. You must complete 75 Level 3 coach training hours to apply for your MCC. Some people can finish this in as little as 6 months, most people take about 12-15 months before they are fully ready and have 2 recordings that our mentor coaches believe are ready to be submitted and will pass ICF Assessors strict skills criteria.

  • We had our first cohort of Gaining MCC in 2021-2022. 100% of all students who submitted have received their MCC. We are very proud of that! We have a few students from that cohort who continuing to hone their skills and will be submitting soon or have not yet reached their 2500 hours. We have 15 (and counting) current students that are currently on track to submit this year.

  • The full program contains 80.5 accredited training hours (75 are required for Level 3)

    1. Highly Interactive Webinars: 10 Master level coaching webinars: ten, two-hour webinars to prepare for the journey to MCC including meeting ICF MCC assessors, meeting MCCs that have experienced the journey recently, finding your MCC “superpower”, and special tips and tricks to make your recordings the best they can be. (20 hours)

    2. Group Supervision, “intervision” and mentor coaching with our MCC coaches. (12 Hours)

    3. Individual coaching with one of our Master Certified Coaches so that you experience “mcc coaching” for yourself as part of your journey .(4 hours)

    4. Observed Mentor Coaching sessions 7 x 90-minute observed mentor coaching sessions - prep for these sessions includes recording 7 x 20-to-60-minute coaching sessions and written reflections from both participant and observing coach. (17.5 hours)

    5. Required reading: related to ontological or transformational coaching or self-awareness. Participants must complete a reflection process on each book /subject (6 Hours)

    6. Public coaching: in these fully experiential classes, participants will be joined by accomplished MCC coaches, who will demonstrate MCC Level coaching and then debrief with the cohort (6 Hours)

    7. Student practice coaching: gives participants a chance to practice coaching together with debrief from an MCC coach. (6 hours)

    8. Reciprocal peer coaching participants are encouraged to join in the student "round robin" coaching sessions. These sessions provide additional coaching hours towards MCC student practice coaching hours as well as giving participants the opportunity to coach, be coached and debrief. (9 hours)

  • The price is $7995 for over 80+ course hours, 1:1 coaching, group mentoring, and observed coaching all by MCCs. You can stay in our program by attending webinars until you pass your MCC. Please note that we have a 0% interest flexible payment plan where you can set payments to make this program work for you. Some scholarships and discounts are available. Please attend a free intro for more details.

  • Once you have decided that Gaining MCC Is for you, we ask for a$500 non-refundable deposit. You can choose a flexible payment plan with 0% interest over 12 to 24 months based on your ability to pay. We do not want this to be a hardship for you. For example, if you pay over 24 months the cost per month is $312.29. We also have diversity and merit scholarships available. We are committed to having a group of truly passionate professionals who want to challenge their own perceptions of coaching and reach this elite level in a supportive group environment.

  • Yes. You can withdraw at any time if you feel the program is not for you. You will be given back a prorated amount based on the amount of time passed and classes or 1:1 work you have completed. If you are on a payment plan and experience a hardship, you can speak with us and adjust your payments so that you do not have to stop attending classes. For example, we had one student who during their time with us, who lost their job and was concerned about making payments. We paused his payments and they continued to benefit from the program and began making payments when they obtained a new position.

  • Libby Robinson has been a Master Certified Coach since 2009. She facilitates most of the classes within the MCC program. She works with CXO’s worldwide and has a Master’s Organizational Development and Transformation and Libby is also the Managing Partner of Integral, which is an Executive Coaching and Advisory company to Fortune 500 companies globally. Integral was named a Top Leadership Development Company by HR.com She is joined by Robin Goodbary, MCC – Melanie Parish, MCC and Croft Edwards, MCC as well as ICF MCC Assessors and guest MCCs from around the world.

  • While we cannot “guarantee” that you pass your MCC assessment, we have created a methodology where we have seen all our students who have submitted, pass. We want you to be supported throughout the process – and trying to prepare for MCC alone can be daunting.

    We allow paid and scholarship students to continue to attend every group online event for free until they receive their MCC. You can repeat classes and listen to recordings of previous year’s program. You can also purchase additional “Observed (Mentor) Coaching” where you work directly with one of our MCC’s to continue to hone your recordings and offer specific feedback so that you can produce a high quality MCC-level recording to submit.

  • You can start today, or as soon as you are ready! We have a rolling admission policy, so once we get your initial payment to secure your place, you can join the next available class.

  • Currently, our live online classes are on Thursdays from 12-2 PM Eastern US time. All classes are recorded, and you can gain credit for listening to up to 50% of the classes as recordings. Your individual work with your Mentor coach and reciprocal peer coaching can be scheduled at your convenience.

    If you cannot make this time, please speak to us as other times may become available as students across the world join.

  • You can place your $500 deposit to reserve your space here.

    We offer a 5% reduction on our Gaining MCC if you pay for the full program here using promo code READYNOW3.

    You can attend our next Level 3 intro class and meet Libby Robinson, MCC here.

    (This is the best way to get all your questions met in one place).

    If you want to speak to our Program Coordinator you can contact us at info@advancedcoachingpracticum.com

  • Yes, we offer both diversity and merit scholarships. You can apply here. You must attend a free intro session (register here) in order for the committee to consider your application.

  • No, but we are encouraging our successful bilingual students who successfully gain their MCC credential to partner with us to offer this program in other languages going forward.

Ready to Join a Free Intro Session?

Kirsty Ensor, Master Certified Coach

“Having completed the ‘Gaining MCC’ programme in 2022 I can highly recommend the course.

There was a lot to celebrate about this programme but one thing I particularly liked was the fact that it provided all the necessary evidence required to submit for the ICF MCC credential. I also really valued the feedback I received from both Libby and my matched mentor coach as I was able to easily integrate my learnings into my work with my clients so that my final MCC recording submissions hit the mark first time.

The peer group coaching sessions were a great forum to share ideas, receive peer to peer feedback and sometimes a forum to just simply express our feelings and often as a result of this, feel more confident about our own abilities and be more motivated to continue on the MCC path.

Meeting other MCCs, albeit virtually, as part of the regular webinars, was interesting too. It was an eye-opener in many respects, providing the opportunity to “window-shop” other coaching styles and subsequently introspect with regards to my own preferences as a coaching client and how this might inform my own behaviours as a coach.

Thank you! I definitely owe my successful MCC credential to being a part of this programme”

Nathalie Delmas, Master Certified Coach

No time to attend free intro? Watch the recording now.

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